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2024-07-01 13:26:38

Betrimex aspires to establish itself as a global enterprise and is committed to safeguarding the environment, benefiting farmers, building trust with partners, and ensuring the highest quality products for customers. We uphold and promote core values: Integrity, Responsibility, Efficiency, Teamwork, and Innovation.
Adhering to legal regulations and embracing best practices and standards, we collectively strive to implement these core values and maintain a consistent Code of Conduct across all our operations.

This Code of Conduct is a benchmark for appropriate behavior and guides all production and business activities, providing a foundation for professionalism and ethical conduct.

We expect our business partners to align with and adhere to the same standards articulated in this Code of Conduct, fostering a professional and trustworthy business environment that is fundamental to our success.

To access full version: The 2024 Code of Conduct of Betrimex

Scope of Application: This policy applies to all Partners, Customers, and Suppliers who engage in business transactions with Betrimex, as well as all employees regardless of their work location, position, or rank (including subsidiaries, affiliates, branches, representative offices, etc.).

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.